Re: Alex Voytenko

Mr. Voytenko?! And posting comment on my blog, it's great! I have corrected a mistake, a mistake I apologize. You will compose music for DMT4? I write my article because it is currently not working to post comments on my computer.


I know that you have no competence, but if you somehow with Mateusz negotia.


Alex Voytenko píše…
No problem! Let it be the largest mistake we could do)According to DMT4 - I don't have a competence to make such predictions, as it absolutely depends on Mateusz' plans) Regards, A.V.
vestec píše…
Dobry clanek, hezky blog, podivas se na muj webik?
Admin píše…
[2]: Hmmmmm.... Ne, o reklamy nestojím...

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