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Řekněme to ironicky. Jen jsem tak čuměl na výsledky hledání www.submachine.blog.cz na Googlu. No a najadnou obživl Napoleon, normálně mi k počítači přišel na Google Napoleon. Kdež ironie ať jde někam. No prostě Gemini2 tam psal že nějakej chlap (což jsem já) má tento blog, a že je úplně posedlí Submachine. Hej Gemini pokud to čteš, no tak nejsem posedlí Submachine! Mě se zdá že jsem úplně stejný fanoušek, jako například nějaký obyčejný fanoušek Submachine. Tak on by skoro každý z nás chtěl živě vidět Mateusze Skutnika. Jsme češi a polákům máme nejblíž, takže mi na to máme, no. Vy debilové na pastelfórum kteří píšete že mám debilní fanart no tak mi ukažte ten váš. Hmm, já myslím že to bude podobné, je to chudé to ano, ale já myslím že já a Ent jśme si na tom dali záležet, mimochodem my jiný program na kreslení fanart nemáme. Já sice mám ArtRage, ale bez tabletu tam nejde Fanart nakreslit, protože by to bylo ještě víc chudší než to co jsme nakreslili v obyčejném nástroji. Mimochodem jsem rád že se i někdo ze zahraníčí zajímá o mou webovou stránku. Ale já vám něco řeknu vy z PastelFórum, ty videa Submachine Parodie jsem nedělal já, já jsem to našel na YouTube tak jsem to dal sem. Takže aby cizinci nelitovali tento článek jsem jim dal i v Angličtině.

Let's put it ironically. I was so dummies www.submachine.blog.cz to search results on Google. Well najadnou resurrected Napoleon, normally my computer came on Google Napoleon. And where is either irony somewhere. Well there just Gemini2 wrote that some kind of a guy (that's me) has this blog, and that is completely obsessed with the Submachine. Hey Gemini if you're reading, come on I'm not obsessed Submachine! Seems to me that I have exactly the same fan, like an ordinary fan Submachine. So he would almost each of us would live to see Mateusz Skutnik. We Czechs and the Poles have the closest, so I have to, no. You morons who write the pastelforum that I fucking fanart come show me yours. Hmm, I think it will be like, it's poor, yes, but I think that I and Ent and we made a point on it, by the way my other program we have for drawing fanart. Although I have ArtRage, but there is not no tablet Fanart draw, because it would be even more poorer than what we drew in an ordinary tool. Anyway I'm glad that even someone from abroad interested in my web page. But I'll tell you something you from PastelForum, those videos Submachine Parody I am don´t doing, I found it on YouTube so I put it here. So that foreigners did not regret this article I gave them in English.


jaakko píše…
Za prvé, sorry, pokud to nemá žádný smysl, ale Im jen pomocí Google překladatel, špatné dát v angličtině kopie níže. Za druhé, nenechte Gemini mrak vaše image Pastelforum, jeho dobré místo s dobrými lidmi, jeden nebo dva občas být idioti, ale celkově je dost sladký lidé, když se dostanete znát. Nakonec Im milovat nový layout, DMT3 byl v pohodě ne?!?! ^_^
Mimochodem, doufám, že tě vidím na fóru člověka, TTYL first off, sorry if this makes no sense, but Im just using Google translator, ill put in an English copy below.  secondly, don't let Gemini cloud your image of Pastelforum, its a good place with good people, one or two can occasionally be idiots, but overall there pretty sweet people when you get to know them. finally Im loving the new layout, DMT3 was cool wasn't it?!?! ^_^
anyway, hope to see you on the forum man, TTYL
Admin píše…
I am glad that you are interested in my blog. So I was glad when the people come here from abroad.
Gemini2 píše…
Hi. Yeah I read this blog every now and then. Submachine obsessed? Nah, there's no such thing of being obsessed with Submachine :PI was only teasing. Besides, always great to see fans have entire sites dedicated to the series
Admin píše…
[3]: It's ok. I am glad that my blog is so popular. BTW FanArts I was didn't do everything. Most created by visitors.
Gemini2 píše…
I like the fan art. Its really cool. Especially the main logo. The sketched locations from a few areas in SNEE. That's pretty awesome :)Also from what I hear, sub7 is getting close to release. probably within 2-3 weeks ;)get ready
Admin píše…
[5]: Thx. On Fanarts have basic merit my blog visitors, they sends it on my email. If you drew up some, so you can send it to me (email: oqapo@seznam.cz). I'll like.2-3 weeks to sub7, I know. I really have to look forward too! It think, that sub7 will hardest, longest, successful than sub4. Thanks for foreign visit.
Gemini2 píše…
Hello again. A user on the forum showed us this link. I think you're going to enjoy what you see.http://www.gamesnitro.com/game/submachine-7-the-core/game.phpThe game is not yet playable. But there are some screenshots And I do have a few pieces of fan art laying around. I'll look for them, upload them and send them to you :)And you're welcome for the visit. I'll post another message soon :)
Gemini2 píše…
Regarding the earlier link I posted. Turns out the game site stole the images from the author on some other site and posted that link up. It was a minor leak and has been contained.Sorry.
Admin píše…
[8]: Airplane from Covert Front? I writted source.
Admin píše…
[7]: WTF NOT FOUND?!!!!

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